

Osant was bor n with the ideal of making our customers feel really special when they wear one of our gar ments. we create our designs thi n king about satisfyi ng that person who wants to buy a capr ice leather. jacket, unique, that stands out from the r est or that other that wants to add to your collection a very particular craftwor k but also those who si mply want a basic that lasts a life time.

the process: our jackets are handmade in spain one by one, speci fically for each clien, by Artisans who have
been dedicated to this trade for a life time. in this way, each zipper, seam or detail is made with the greatest attention, dedication and
affection. we only use those techniques and mater ials that result in the best qualities. The leather we use comes from the best tanneries in italy. we hand
pick each leather one by one to ensure that it meets the highest quality standards . our goal is to give you the best leather .jacket possible and we put all our effort into carryi ng it out. Our bespoke service  in osant we design and create unique made-to measure pieces in two different ways:  special order: for customers who need certain modifications from the ready-to-wear models, but do not require the fully bespoke service, we offer a special order option. working from one’s closest off-therack size, we can make certain straightforward adjustments to the
standard model to better suit the customer. Bespoke: the bespoke process offers one complete flexibility in terms of the fit, style, and detailing of the garment, and is centered around a
highly in-depth development of the garment’s fundamental fit in respone.
to the individual’s desired silhouette

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