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When we look at the most successful people on the scientific, social or practical level, we look at their successes, and we return them to their ability to make the right decisions that reflect their superiority and their farsightedness…

That superiority is what distinguishes the leaders, from others, and plays the biggest role in their life and career path.

Thus it appears that many decisions are taken that go down the same path; where many people may submit to a certain decision just because it is by virtue of the majority, and so many good decisions may be lost.

The decision-making process may be affected by several factors, including:
1- the internal environment
2- psychological factors
3- timing,
What can we do, to make our lives better by making correct decisions from the start?  Is the ability to make decisions an instinct or a skill that a person can acquire and train on?
Since we realized that a person generates a blank page, any intellectual progress for a person is the product of the accumulation of experiences, which in turn develop in him the talent that enhances the feeling, instinct, and sense of position, on which some researchers rely on thinking as one of the basic pillars that cannot be overlooked and this is what the psychologist supported And the doctor, Edward Debono, in his book Six Thinking Hats, stressing the necessity of using the red hat that senses the subject through an emotional feeling, in addition to using five other thinking hats to reach the right decision.
Let’s use these six hats to make the decision:
1- (The white hat) and the purpose of wearing it is to collect data, correct information on the subject, and to gain insight in all its aspects.

2- (The Red Hat) meaning the hat of feelings and aims to rely on feelings to sense right from wrong through a questionnaire of the heart.

3- (The Yellow Hat) represents the optimistic dreamer thinking style that focuses on the positive effects of choosing or making any decision.

4- (The black hat) represents the negative thinking pattern and aims to limit the risks and negatives resulting from taking any decision

5- (The green hat) represents the creative thinking style, which means searching for different alternatives and thinking about things in an unfamiliar and new way.

6- (The blue hat) which is called the operations control hat, and represents the thinking pattern that manages and sets the agenda, plans, arranges and organizes the rest of the operations and conducts the comparison process to come up with the most appropriate decision.

What do we need to reach a sound decision

1- Informational collecting correct information and data on the subject and briefing all its aspects.
2- Feelings: Keep away from charged emotions or special situations such as sadness and joy in making any decision.
3- Think about the long term.
3- Compare the options and the pros and cons of all the options you have.
4- Focus on the priorities.
5- Think about alternatives.
6- Make an emergency plan.
7- Get help from others.

The 10/10/10 rule for making difficult and important decisions at the same time Suzy Welch, a business writer with several prominent publications: She devised a simple rule that helps make decisions and advance them called the 10/10/10 Rule . Welch described it in her book by the same name, advising that you think about the decision you’ll make at three different times: First, ten minutes from now. Second, ten months from now. Third, ten years from now.

Finally, the world is full of options. If you are confused between the choice of 10 options, limit your choice only between 2 and make the choice and be happy with it.


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