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Novia Duende

La Novia Duende, Exclusive headdresses

La Novia Duende is an artistic brand, mainly focused on creating unique, exclusive and 100% handmade products.

Isabel is a graphic document restorer and Superior Technician in Plastic Arts, design and creator of the brand La Novia Duende. She is in love with Art, nature and since she was little she had concerns inherited from her mother, for the artistic and decorative, since then the need to transmit this way of life with creations full of life and color has been gestated.

At La Novia Duende they create unique pieces that always have a distinctive stamp for each woman who uses them, their colors, their shapes … Their creativity has no limit, creation is their way of life, that is why the craftsmanship of their designs are unique , as are every woman who uses them.

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