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Six Women Adventurers

Six Women Adventurers

by Carlos Mundy

Many female travel adventurers have become lost in time and the first adventurers were brave women who defied convention to undertake awe-inspiring journeys. Some of the most prominent women adventurers of the XIX century, there were not many, even had to disguise their gender and dressed as men. They were all pioneers! Alexander David- Neel, Gertrude Bell, Jeanne Barre are just some of the names that come to mind.


Today, there is a new generation of female adventurers testing human limits, breaking world records, and inspiring those that come after them and discovering more about themselves through travel.

Our six women adventurers are  artist that travel with their cameras. It takes commitment, creativity, and courage to excel in this high-octane photography field. They are pushing the limits of art and exploration—and encouraging younger photographers to get out there. This marvellous exhibition is about these extraordinary women and their message of the world they photograph.


The idea of organizing a joint exhibition with six women of different nationalities who have photographed different corners of the globe, reflects what our Foundation stands for: To celebrate our common humanity.

Dr Alice Kandell (USA) captured with her camera during the 1960s a society that exists no more: the Kingdom of Sikkim; Anamaria Chediak (Ecuador) has photographed the fragile ecosystem of Greenland and Iceland, Esmeralda Martin (Spain) visited the slums of Dacca in Bangladesh, Maricruz Sanz de Aja (Mexico) photographed the wild life of Kenya, Moudhi  Alhajri  (Qatar)  has captured the beauty of Yemen before it was ravished by war and Paulina Parra’s camera (Colombia) fell in love with Morocco.

The dates and venue for the opening of this extraordinary exhibition will be announced before the end of the year.

Carlos Mundy

Carlos Mundy

  Escritor y periodista   


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